Meet the Admissions Team

We’re Here to Help You!

The CIA Admissions Team is excited to work with you during this important time of your life. We can assist with any questions you have about the college and work with you on each step of the application and enrollment process. Two ways to reach us:

  • Give us a shout at [email protected] or 1-800-CULINARY (285-4627). Our team is available to help you from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET.
  • Connect with your personal counselor—use the form below to schedule an appointment, reach out by phone, or send an email.

Let’s get started!

Prospective Students

Find Your Personal CIA Admissions Counselor

Use this form to discover your personal CIA admissions counselor. He or she is available to help you by email or phone. You can even schedule a one-on-one meeting using our Outlook Calendar tool.


Want to send a general question? Email us at [email protected] or call 1-800-CULINARY.

Accepted Students

Find Your Personal CIA Enrollment Manager

Congratulations on your acceptance to CIA! Let our team help you get ready to start classes. Use this form to discover your personal CIA enrollment manager. He or she is available to help you by email or phone. You can even schedule a one-on-one meeting using our Outlook Calendar tool.


Want to send a general question? Email us at [email protected] or call 1-800-CULINARY.

image of Stephen Sobierajski, پ𳦳ٴǰ̧԰DZԳ

Stephen Sobierajski
[email protected]

image of Nicole Beauregard, Director—Undergraduate Admissions

Nicole Beauregard
Director—Undergraduate Admissions
[email protected]

Christina Ciaccio ’13 - پ𳦳ٴǰ—A峾DzԲ

Christina Ciaccio ’13
[email protected]